Site - 5 Acres, Building - 6500 sq M
Parle Agro – the makers of Baileys’ Water, Frooti, Appy etc. have been on an extensive expansion path since the new generation has taken over. In 2007, Salil Ranadive headed a CRA-team that undertook the planning and design initiative that sought to quadruple the existing office facilities, add a full-fledge gym & spa, a 150 seater Café, rationalize parking, and provide space for future development of the 5-Acre campus.
The Strategy adopted was simple & singular – the effect of which, however, was multiple.
A Linear 8-storey West Block, was envisaged, at a perpendicular to the existing G+2 North Block - but significantly – parallel to the WE Highway that flanked the Campus. This one act provided at long last a visible public front for the otherwise well known brand. Simultaneously, it also bridged between the two gates – making the driveway, parking and walk-up significantly more efficient. Furthermore, it also created a key private, quieter zone towards the rear, east-side that allowed the establishment of the more casual, interactive and creative centers of the campus : café, gym, rolling-lawns, reflective pool etc. – as a more non-corporate, less stiff-collared environment.
This amalgamation of dualities : of the hard-nuts corporate, with the cutting-edge creative – was well-received as a successful expression of the image that the company continues to represent.